Found Guilty Of Contempt

On February 20, 2007 after years of costly litigation, The Unity Team was found GUILTY OF CONTEMPT by the United States Court Of Appeals for violating provisions of the Consent Decree when they eviscerated the job referral rules with the 2001 contract change, which has encouraged job site corruption by "cash" contractors!

Exerts from United States Court Of Appeals Order:

Paragraph 11 further requires the Union to make the Job Referral Rules part of the District Council By-Laws. Thus, the Paragraph 12 requirement that “the District Council shall give prior written notice to the Government . . . of any proposed changes to the By-Laws” was violated when the Union entered into the 2001 CBAs that made it impossible to comply with the Job Referral Rules incorporated into both the Consent Decree and the Union By-Laws.

Proof of noncompliance is clear and convincing. We reject the Union’s claim that Rule 5(B) permitted the job referral practices in the 2001 CBAs, and the Union has offered no other argument that the terms of the CBAs were otherwise consistent with the Consent Decree’s requirements. Finally, the Union did not claim that it diligently attempted to comply with the Decree.

As a result, we find that the district court erred in concluding that the Union was not in contempt. We remand for the entry of the Order of Contempt, and leave to the district court’s discretion the proper remedy.

Read the Full court order click here.

This is why you cannot trust anything The Unity Team says!